Promising applications for research grants to Borje Salming ALS Foundation
At the beginning of May, the Borje Salming ALS Foundation announced research grants to researchers affiliated with Swedish universities and higher education institutions. Now the research portal is closed and many interesting applications have been received for funds for research in the field of ALS.

“We are very excited about the interest there is in conducting research to make it easier for ALS patients and their relatives and to cure the disease in the long term,” says Ulf Hedin, professor and chief physician of vascular surgery at Karolinska Institutet and research coordinator in the Borje Salming ALS Foundation.
Three areas
The grants relate to basic scientific and patient-centered research projects and are divided into three areas: studies of the causes of ALS, development of new methods for medical treatment of the disease, and projects for innovative solutions that can facilitate the care of ALS patients.
“It is very gratifying that already in its first year of operation the Foundation has been able to open up researchers to apply for funding. We have been able to do this thanks to contributions from all generous associations, individuals, companies and other donors,” says Ulf Hedin.
The next step is for the Foundation's Scientific Council to review the applications and submit proposals to the Foundation's Board of Directors. Decisions on allocation will be made by the end of the year.
The Foundation's scientific advice includes:
Maria Eriksdotter Professor of Geriatrics, Karolinska Institutet, Chief Physician Karolinska University Hospital.
Bo Norrving Senior Professor of Neurology, Lund University.
Dorota Religa Professor of Geriatrics Karolinska Institutet, Senior Physician and Deputy Head of Clinical Geriatrics Karolinska University Hospital.
Elias Johansson Associate Professor and Specialist in Neurology, Sahlgrenska Academy
Per Wester Professor and Senior Physician in Medicine, Umeå University and Karolinska Institutet.
Frederick Piehl Professor of Neurology Karolinska Institutet and Chief Physician Karolinska University Hospital.
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The latest from the Foundation and research in ALS