Börje Stories - About and by Börje Salming
Get a glimpse into some of the great events that took place during Börje's amazing life and get to know who he was behind the hockey helmet.
Hattrick by Börje
10 oktober 1981 Börje Salmings hattrick

Fellow Man Börje
Many people know Börje as a hockey player, but fewer how warm and nice a person he was. It's a side we want to talk more about. For the people around him he was so much more than an amazing hockey player.
Talent, heart and a natural leader
Börje was a pioneer as one of the first European players to successfully establish himself in the NHL. His successful transition paved the way for many other European talents to follow suit and play in the North American League.
He had a natural leadership style and even became captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs for a period. His attitude on the ice and commitment to the team made him a respected leader among his teammates and fans.

April 17, 1976, Börje's birthday and goal against Philadelphia.
Börje's photo album
Here, if you want to remember Börje, you can see more pictures from his life that better highlight the amazing man he was.
Börje Salming (born 17 April 1951 in Kiruna) is one of Sweden's most prominent ice hockey players of all time.

A fantastic hockey career
Börje had a remarkable stamina and played at a high level over a long career. His professionalism and dedication to the sport made him an icon and a role model for young players.
Börje was not only a defender but also a skilled goalscorer. He was known for his ability to contribute offensively and score important goals. His skating and shots were of the highest order and made him dangerous in both attack and defense.

Börjes near & dear
After retirement, Börje engaged in various charitable projects and community activities. He has supported various initiatives and charities, particularly those focusing on children and young people.
In addition to his efforts on the ice, Börje has also served as a mentor and source of inspiration for young ice hockey players. His experience and successful career have made him a role model for many in the sports world.