Micael Bydén is ambassador for Borje Salming ALS Foundation

March 13, 2023

Sweden's Commander-in-Chief, Micael Bydén, becomes an ambassador for the Borje Salming ALS Foundation. Micael Bydén got to know Börje Salming as a hockey player and friend and has several colleagues who have suffered from ALS.

“I am very happy, touched and proud to be asked to be an ambassador for the Borje Salming ALS Foundation,” says Micael Bydén, Sweden's Commander-in-Chief.

Micael Bydén met Börje Salming in 2018 in connection with Mark Milley, then US Army Chief and now US Chief of Defence, visiting Sweden. Mark Milley had been in Sweden playing hockey as a teenager and was a big fan of Börje Salming.

Mark Milley totally taken

“A friend of Börje's managed to persuade him to come to our dinner at Karlberg Castle. I know Börje was hesitant, but he came and Mark Milley was completely taken by the experience and repeated the words: I'm so humbled, I don't know what to say, and Börje was the same simple and humble person as always.

Then followed several meetings between Micael Bydén and Börje Salming. Including during a working trip to Canada where a hockey game between Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni and the Canadian Armed Forces was included, and the teams reinforced with Micael Bydén and Börje Salming. It was the last time that Börje Salming played in the Toronto Maple Leafs match stand.

“Börje took me to his favorite places in Toronto and wherever we went there were people who wanted to talk and thank Börje and he took the time and gave each person attention. Despite his immense celebrity, he was an unimaginably humble person.

Two colleagues with ALS diagnosis

When Micael Bydén learned of Borje Salming ALS diagnosis, he knew what a nightmare Börje had fallen into. Two of Micael Bydén's former colleagues had been ill with ALS at short intervals and their struggle lasted about two years.

During their illness, an investigation was initiated and conducted into the possible connection between foreign veterans of the Armed Forces and the disease ALS.

It is a terrible disease. I want to be a voice in the fight so that no more people are affected and that those who have already received a diagnosis receive the help and support they need. It feels urgent to do this and it is a great honour to do it in the name of Börje.

In addition to Micael Bydén, Valter Skarsgård, Mats Sundin, Ingemar Stenmark, Rasmus Sandin and Rolf Edberg are ambassadors for the Borje Salming ALS Foundation.

Commander in Chief Micael Bydén is an ambassador for the Borje Salming ALS Foundation.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces

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