Börje Salming ALS Foundation announces grant for researchers in ALS field
The Börje Salming ALS Foundation invites researchers to apply for funds to fund basic scientific and patient-related research projects in the field of ALS. The portal for applications will open on May 2, 2023.

“We are pleased to be able to provide researchers with the opportunity to apply for funding from the Börje Salming ALS Foundation already in the first year of the foundation's operations. This is thanks to the great commitment and generosity that clubs, associations, companies and individuals have shown to the foundation,” says Ulf Hedin, professor and chief physician of vascular surgery at Karolinska Institutet and research coordinator of the Börje Salming ALS Foundation.
Cure the disease ALS
The Börje Salming ALS Foundation was established in autumn 2022 in consultation with Börje Salming and his family. Börje Salming himself strongly encouraged that the foundation's goal is to work to solve the riddle of ALS, to improve treatment and to cure the disease in the long term.
The Börje Salming ALS Foundation will receive applications for funding basic scientific and patient-centered research projects focused on the study of the causes of ALS, the development of new methods for the medical treatment of the disease, and projects for innovative solutions that can facilitate the care of ALS patients.
In the past, there is a scientific council linked to the Börje Salming ALS Foundation. The Scientific Council will assess the applications and make proposals to the Foundation's Board of Directors. It is the foundation's board that makes the decision on awarding.
Scientific Council of the Foundation
The Scientific Council consists of Maria Eriksdotter Professor of Geriatrics, Karolinska Institutet, Chief Physician Karolinska University Hospital, Bo Norrving Senior Professor in Neurology, Lund University, Dorota Religa Professor of Geriatrics Karolinska Institutet, Senior Physician and Deputy Head of Clinical Geriatrics Karolinska University Hospital, Elias Johansson Associate Professor and Specialist in Neurology Sahlgrenska Academy, Per Wester Professor and Chief Physician of Medicine Umeå University and Karolinska Institutet and Frederick Piehl Professor of Neurology Karolinska Institutet and Chief Physician Karolinska University Hospital.
The portal for applications will open at 8.00 a.m. on May 2, 2023 and will be open until August 1, 2023. More information and a link to the application portal will be available at https://borjesalmingstiftelse.se as of 2 May 2023.

Photo: Erik Thor
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